CROATIA: SFOR airdrops Karadzic arrest propaganda -

CROATIA: SFOR airdrops Karadzic arrest propaganda

(13/3/2002)PALE (March 13) - SFOR helicopters today flew over Foca, dropping leaflets calling for the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, reported B92. SFOR tried and failed on two successive days early this month to arrest the elusive Bosnian Serb leader. One side of the leaflets dropped this morning offers a reward to anyone giving information on the whereabouts of Karadzic and his former military henchman Ratko Mladic. The back of the leaflets is a reproduction of a fifty mark note. Sources in Srbinje say that the leaflets have been largely ignored.

  • Sondazhi i ditës:

    5 vite nga krijimi i SPAK, jeni të kënaqur me punën e bërë?


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